I think that the blog is a good oportunity for write and search more vocabulary, I liked
that this moment and enjoyed ! because
that is not boring. I just would have liked the chance in the course of
learning to speak better, perhaps as in the English courses that can be heard
many tapes and vocabulary words. But, generally i like the blog, anyway I learn
news words, because when i wrote I must search words that I did not know. Also,
read the other text doing for my classmates help me, first: to know that their
think about some topics, and for read in english. The disadvantages of blogging
can be it is assumed that we already know how to write in English and know the
basic structures, and in the other english (levels I and II) is not taught. But generally
i think that is improved even a Little my english (considering, that i never
was very good for this buuu :( ). If I could
add something to the course also the blog I think that would add more classes
to listen vocabulary and conversation of the simplest since the most complex (insofar
as the course progresses).
Well, now I have a blog written in English by myself, I like
and... (i'm sorry for use the translator ... is faster!, but now that you say, i think that i must get a dictionary :) )